Maintaining Confidentiality is a Must for Nursing Assistants
Working in the health care industry, nurse assistants in common with registered nurses, doctors, anesthetists, specialists, and administration staff are exposed to confidential information of patients every day. By law this information belongs to the patient and cannot be shared with unauthorized people without specific permission of the patient or their guardian, which must in […]
Consumer Complaints about Nursing Assistants
Complaints against nurse assistants are almost as common as complaints against nurses and doctors, unfortunately most people who work in the health care industry are labeled with less flattering descriptions all of the time. Nurse assistants are often criticized without really understanding their role, or the volume of work they need to do during shifts. […]
Helping Nursing Assistants with Dying and Death
Caring for seriously ill and dying patients and coping when people we care for die is difficult. Regardless of the closeness or distance of the relationship people become emotionally invested in the welfare of those we care for, so it is hardly surprising that nurse assistants sometimes struggle to cope even needing extra help to […]
Nursing Assistant, the Start of Your Career as a Nurse
Nursing is often considered the most rewarding career for people with great empathy and a desire to care for others, but becoming a nurse requires going to college and getting a doctor of nursing degree. For many this just isn’t possible either through lack of money and no access to student funding, or those switching […]
Counseling for Nursing Assistants
Anyone working in medicine will appreciate that at times the industry can be stressful, even traumatic. Dealing with sick or dying people, heightened emotions, or the pressure of too many patients are all factors that affect the wellbeing of the care giver just as much as that of the patient. Nurse assistants are particularly susceptible […]