Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Home Health Employment with a Nursing Assistant Certification

Nursing assistants often aren’t aware that there are many more options available to them than working in a hospital, and that taking some time to look around at other career positions might in fact provide better rates of pay, more enjoyable patient contact, better hours, and a number of other benefits not available to their […]

Nurse Assistants and Communicable Diseases

Working in the medical field with high exposure to communicable diseases it is essential that nurse assistants know what to expect, how to deal with whatever situation might arise, and proper reporting of suspected communicable diseases to minimize spread and ensure diseases are quickly controlled. Nurse assistants can often be considered on the front line […]

Nursing Assistants and the Opportunity to Explore Medical Field

The field of medicine is a growth industry almost unparalleled in the number of professionals required, and this offers huge opportunities for anyone successful enough to pass the required exams for entry into the field. Being a nursing assistant is an excellent way to start, giving practical experience and access to training and career guidance […]

Patient Rights Nursing Assistants Need to be Aware of

Like most industries, rules and regulations have been setup within the medical field to protect those undergoing treatment and the staff who provide the care from unnecessary risks and being harmed. Medical staff generally have more ability to protect themselves by virtue of being the care givers, whereas patients are often completely at the mercy […]

Precautions Nursing Assistants Should Take

Choosing to be become a nurse assistant is almost certain to provide you with a rewarding job of helping others, however there are some risks inherent in the role that when prepared for will minimize harm to yourself, your patient, and ensure your career. Simple precautions that you are not taught at college might just […]